Friday, December 03, 2004

constant sorrow

Ralph Waldo Emerson:
“Nothing is rich but the inexhaustible wealth of nature. She shows us only surfaces, but she is a million fathoms deep.”

i'm feeling more healthy about the catharsis that's been happening in these posts. after years of growing up in thereapy in a pyschologist's office, i haven't seen a shrink in almost 8 years. it's comfortable to have some place to vent. feet up on the couch and eyes closed. here i can kinda do the same. it's difficult to reach my keyboard when i have my feet on the windowsill or my desk, but i'm getting much better at typing wwith my eyes closed. this morning the radio told me that some people are trying to put a nascar track on staten island. it makes no sense to me. those poor residents finally saw the impossible. the satiation of the insatiable with the conclusion of the acitvities at freshkill.... and now this. what once was the lingering stench of noxious gas factory is probably gonna get replaced by the cacophony of growling beasts racing in circles. weird. why do i keep writing like this. i hate it. i don't feel better at all.


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