Thursday, October 20, 2005

saddam hussein... the o.j. of iraq

this is the trial of the century. they believe that the revolution must be televised. too bad there is no real chance of any sort of defense. the verdict is out. unlike america, i never supported saddam's regime, but i do appreciate the johnny cochrans of this world.
anyway, sorry not to post in like forever and then be so weird, but the news is really bugging me. and i have the time.

here's something else that i think is funny:

Monday, January 10, 2005

this d.j.

this website:
was a crucial part of a project i worked on about 2 years ago. i basically learned everything i learned about grey water from this guy. anyway, came a cross it again in one of my mind numbing surf sessions and.... wanted to show all of you. he sells books in addition to doing fieldwork but the family he prtrays is kinda my inspiration. they do it right i think. so until i learn better. i've been learned in this way right.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

strange daze |!| good day

i went to a strip club last night. it was really hott. the girls were all 18 and curvy. i think they really liked me. it was my third time going to such a place and i told the dancers that too. then, later on, i stopped for a pack of cigarettes and i met a girl named red dice who was on a pay phone fighting with her man's girl. she was from brooklyn and she was really mad. she was 18.
so today i felt like shit. i smoked pit before work cause i was all hang over and whatnot. but when i got here and was talking to the people who worked in my office i was self concious of smellng like booze and/or smoke. this was annoying and it upset my stomach. but i waited it out and soon things got better. time has a way of doing that. there are very few things time will ruin. most things stand that test and enter into infinity i think. in any case... they get better. the older the berry the sweeter the juice, right? clients came by to see if i wanted to grab lunch with them. this was really nice and i glady went along for some chow. upon my return to the office, malcolm stopped by to say that he had gotten a job that pays twice what mine does and all he has to do is campaign to save our national forests. he even showed me his spiel that he has to run through. "are you concerned that our natural recources are being depleted and sold off (by bush)." the 'by bush' thing is literal, parenthasis and all. i think it's cause you are supposed to sum up whether or not you are speaking to a bush supporter.
quick rant: do you notice how when bush first came to office everyone was all george bush jr. and now that he is coming off the big election, about to start his second term everyone is all george w. bush. or w. or dubya. i like george bush jr. because we shouldn't forget that he's just another part of the dynasty. a player deep in this fucked up incestuous sytem. i have to work for angus tonight so i'm gonna take off alittle early and maybe catch a brief rest and a smoke before heading down to u. square. aight peace.

tha h-dogg

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

space jerk

so it's been a while. i was everyday with this for a while but then i had off of work for a while too. pretty much this office is my only access to the internet that presents itself regularly. and i like that. not having it at home has been the best. it's makes me feel like it's the first time again. when you have the hook-up at home where you eat and sleep and do everything else, it becomes so routine that you don't even appreciate it. soon you start to interface with it in the same boring way night after night. but having to get it outside my home has opened up a whole wide world of opportunity. i find myself browsing pages i never thought i'd be interested in and you know what.... it's really fun.


anyway, the bathroom i usually use while at work is located in this classeroom across the hall from my office that is never used escept to teach kids es at like 6:00, but... it's becoming an incme tax assistance site. so that means it's gonna have people in it all day long and i won't be bale to take shits there cause i'll feel too embarassed. it's a really small room and the bathroom is right off it. and the girl who is gonna work there is this cute latina who gives me butterflies in my stomach. how am i supposed to deficate under those cirumstances. i mean, a wise man would say fuck it, i'm being paranoid, or uptight, or 'anal' [this is literal... no pun intended), but i think that i am finally acting like an architect. being more concearned with the quality of my environment i.e. how the surrounding effect me and my habit of taking long gratifying shits rather than have some knee jerk elation over the efficiency of using space verses not using it. huh?

Thursday, December 16, 2004

all of my love

dear internet,
how have you been? i'm fine. today is going to be a busy day and that's why i'm writting now. i have a conference call with 15 of my peers this morning (i'm actually trying to get through now) and then a lot of clients throughout the day. three of them (clients) got a job doing construction together. it's cool that they were able to network through my office. anyway, i've been meaning to ask you...what's up with is it porn? maybe it's that stuff called soft-core porn? either way it's almost always brimming with erotic fiction, journalism, photos, and more. this is not an ad. incase you have never been to, don't go there because you are reading this, but, when you randomly come across it in the process of being you/in your day to day, you'll know what i mean. okay that's that. also, girls are pretty day is funny for today. that you can check out cause i'm telling you to. i gott figure out what's up with this phone that keeps beeping at me. peace. out.

all of my love,

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


what is the brain coming to? if it's our brain is discovering our brains then... are they actually changing? or always catching up? the microscope cannot see the microscope with anything other than a micro scope.

the answer is yes.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

minority report: i'm on pharmies

got into a fight with my roomate b- last night. over some stupid bullshit too. after dinner he commented "i aint no white boy." my rash and immediate (and incorresct) response was, "yes. you are. you're white." I realize that this is totally wrong (he's 'iranian', not white) BUT what i meant and what i wish i had properly conveyed s that the system which perpetuates such classifications is indeed awful. and i feel that when he tries to relate this in terms relative to his own personal situation, it minimizes the fucked-up-ed-ness of the situation. considering he's led a relatively spoiled and priveleged life, as an american and in this country, where he is treated differently when he applies for a job or is pulled over by the cops. way differently than non-whites. but this is a random place for this rant especially since i'm apparently overly concerned with (maybe threatened by) his attempts to identify with the minority experience and seeing as he's probably the only person who might read this.hi.
speaking of priveleged, i was feeling a little better last night and i decided to buy a cart load of the finest luxury groceries on food stamps. including, but not limited to: oysters, melons (2 kinds), olive tapinade, fresh made ravioli, and better than everage bread. i came home and ate so much food that i could hardly sleep. luckly i had, perdurabo, the biography of aleister crowly i've been reading, to keep me sleepy. it's long and detailed. it's mkaing want to develop a mantra ut i don't think i' have the training. i feel like i'd need to understand better the bas scale or something. learning to read music for the saxaphone only taught me the treble scale. did you know they are completely different. i do, but that's about the extent of it.