Tuesday, December 14, 2004

minority report: i'm on pharmies

got into a fight with my roomate b- last night. over some stupid bullshit too. after dinner he commented "i aint no white boy." my rash and immediate (and incorresct) response was, "yes. you are. you're white." I realize that this is totally wrong (he's 'iranian', not white) BUT what i meant and what i wish i had properly conveyed s that the system which perpetuates such classifications is indeed awful. and i feel that when he tries to relate this in terms relative to his own personal situation, it minimizes the fucked-up-ed-ness of the situation. considering he's led a relatively spoiled and priveleged life, as an american and in this country, where he is treated differently when he applies for a job or is pulled over by the cops. way differently than non-whites. but this is a random place for this rant especially since i'm apparently overly concerned with (maybe threatened by) his attempts to identify with the minority experience and seeing as he's probably the only person who might read this.hi.
speaking of priveleged, i was feeling a little better last night and i decided to buy a cart load of the finest luxury groceries on food stamps. including, but not limited to: oysters, melons (2 kinds), olive tapinade, fresh made ravioli, and better than everage bread. i came home and ate so much food that i could hardly sleep. luckly i had, perdurabo, the biography of aleister crowly i've been reading, to keep me sleepy. it's long and detailed. it's mkaing want to develop a mantra ut i don't think i' have the training. i feel like i'd need to understand better the bas scale or something. learning to read music for the saxaphone only taught me the treble scale. did you know they are completely different. i do, but that's about the extent of it.


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