Monday, December 06, 2004


someone was tellng me about how mother theresa was guilty misapproprating funds. how she would let people suffer so that they could experience the devine love of jesus. i don't know if it's true. i don't really want it to be true, but if it is... it makes sense. i kind of dig that. this survey is why this came up. the survey is about love. i filled it in backwards. here it is:

1. Define love
Love is righteous.

2. Discuss someone who you believe is an example of someone who loves
"correctly" (whatever this means to you)
Mother Theresa.

3. Discuss your parents relationship (or lack thereof) and what this
how you think this has shaped you views on marriage and commitment (
be as vague or detailed as you want but it would help if u included
what kind of commitment they had/have, work division in regards to
both domestic and paid labor.
My parents divorced each other when I was about half as old as I am
now. I have never had a great/successful relationship. I seek meaning

4. Discuss the work/home division in your ideal marriage/commitment etc.
We all fish. We all eat. We all maintain the shelter. We all rest.

5. Discuss the differences you do or don't think should be present in
familial love, romantic love and friendship. What's important in each
and what makes each different from the other two? Talk a little about
the grey areas, if any.
One love is non sexual. Two are sexual. The distinction is a desire to
manifest love with somebody as opposed to a loving desire to care for

6. Define equality in a relationship.
Equality is similarity… rather exactness of interests.

7. Do you think equality is possible, probably, absolutely necessary?
Yes, in the long term.


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